Research Protocols

Practitioners who understand what it can and cannot do will be best to establish protocols for the clinical use of the X-Erase.

Its use in all cases of cancer, for instance, may be appropriate, since radiation exposure is ubiquitous in today's society, and radiation exposure is always a predisposing factor to cancer. So, its elimination should help. That said, the amount of help this may bring to any given cancer case is unknown and will probably vary case to case. Use of the X-Erase is not, and should not be considered a "treatment" for cancer, in and of itself.

The X-Erase may be helpful in all cases of cancer. The X-Erase will be helpful in all cases of cancer where radiation exposure is a factor, even if that exposure cannot be identified. The X-Erase will be helpful in all cases of cancer where radiation therapy is used as part of the medically prescribed treatment.

The X-Erase may also be helpful in a wide variety of other situations and medical conditions that seem "unresponsive" to normal treatment, whether cancer is present or not. Quite often, this unresponsiveness is an indicator of the presence of High Voltage Electrostatic Charges in the system, and their removal can be the beginning of a successful course of treatment using standard means. Since almost everyone has been sitting in front of a computer screen for the last 10 years, any and all unresponsive conditions should be treated as if radiation exposure is a hidden factor and, therefore, could benefit from the X-Erase.

The X-Erase would also be helpful to prevent ionization build-up after radiation burns, dental x-rays, chiropractic x-rays, mammograms, CAT scans, bone density studies, or any other radiation exposure.

For more insight into the possible uses for the X-Erase, please read the Testimonials page.

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research protocols